NMS is one of the specialized institutions in HR consulting in Nepal. NMS also offers the Evaluation and Enterprising Partners services to its clients.
Special Episode
We believe that everyone has right to receive updated information on different issues in the country. In order to facilitate it, we have a Special Episode every Month called the Contemporary Issue of the Month (CIM.) to boost up the well-being in personal as well as professional life. We will circulate the CIM through the email to all members. So if you are interested to receive CIM please send us your email address with contact number.
International Linkage
We need good working relationships with others in our professional circle in Nepal and international arena. Hence, we have also maintained strong professional relationship with individuals and likeminded institutions around the world to share latest knowledge and expertise in the area of management. Indeed, NMS as the center of management excellent in Nepal to enhance management profession by combining international standards with local knowledge to respond our working realities in the approved manner.
NMS maintains and publishes a body of knowledge about latest tools and techniques in management field. NMS creates a platform which provides a medium for professionals to share knowledge.